
In order to help the Scouts earn funds that can be applied to camping trips, summer camps, or other scouting expenses, the troop participates in several fundraising events.

There are two BSA sponsored fundraisers that help raise money for the troop and scouts each year: Popcorn sales in the fall, and the boys earn great prizes based on their selling level; and in the springtime Camp Cards Sales, consisting of discount coupons to local merchants.

The Troop in addition to the above fundraising events from BSA, holds two additional fundraising events for the Troop: Fujiyama Dinner and a Troop Spaghetti Dinner.

If a boy requires financial assistance to attend summer camp, the troop will consider underwriting a portion of the cost. To be eligible the scout must participate in a minimum of two of these three fundraisers, and the parents should submit the request by April 15th.