Troop Community Service

Another aspect of Boy Scouts is helping the community. Troop 567 is very grateful for all the support the community gives to the Troop. That is why in Troop 567 Community Outreach and Service is very important.

Troop 567 participates in Scouting for Food (a national campaign) in early November. This gathers food for our community’s less fortunate and is distributed through local non-profit organizations.

In addition Troop 567 participates in several events throughout the year helping non-profit organizations with water stops, parking assistance, restoration/cleanup projects, food banks, etc. There are several opportunities for the Scouts to earn the require service hours for rank advancements.

In addition each boy who nears the rank of eagle must supervise and complete a project that benefits the community. In our Troop these projects have ranged from helping the Humane Society, cleaning and repairing church facilities, repairing and improving facilities at the Fair Grounds, and completing a toy drive for kids in hurricane damaged communities.

Service opportunities are provided through out the year through the Troop Community Service Projects and through the OA Day of Service.