OA Troop Rep

oa The Order of the Arrow Troop Representatives is a youth liaison serving between the local Order of the Arrow lodge or chapter and his troop.

Leadership Position Coordinator: Troop O/A Advisor, Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster

Minimum Rank for this job:  First Class and an Order of the Arrow member. Brotherhood, preferred.

Ranks that this job may apply toward:  Star, Life, Eagle

Duties of O/A Troop Representative:

  • Serves as a communication link between the lodge or chapter and the troop.
  • Regularly attends District O/A meetings.
  • Reports upcoming O/A events to the PLC.
  • Encourages Arrowmen in the troop to be active participants in O/A activities.
  • Sets a good example.
  • Enthusiastically wears the Scout uniform correctly.
  • Lives by the Scout Oath, Scout Law and O/A Obligation.
  • Shows Scout Spirit.