Assistant Senior Patrol Leader


The Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL) is the second-highest-ranking junior leader in the troop. The assistant senior patrol leader acts as the senior patrol leader in the absence of the senior patrol leader or when called upon. He also provides leadership to other junior leaders in the troop.

Leadership Position Coordinator: The Senior Patrol Leader

Minimum Rank for this job:  First Class. Preferred Star, NYLT Trained, and OA member.  Min. two summer camps.

Ranks that this job may apply toward:  Star, Life, Eagle

 Duties of Assistant Senior Patrol Leader:

  • Helps senior patrol leader lead meetings and activities.
  • Runs the troop and/or PLC meetings in the absence of the senior patrol leader.
  • Helps train and supervise the troop scribe, quartermaster, instructor, librarian, historian, bugler, and chaplain aide.
  • Serves as a member of the Patrol Leader’s Council.
  • Sets a good example.
  • Enthusiastically wears the Scout uniform correctly.
  • Lives the Scout Oath and Law.
  • Shows Scout Spirit.