Scout Salute & Sign

scout salute norman rockwell

The three-finger salute is used by members of Scout and Guide organizations around the world when greeting other Scouts and in respect of a national flag at ceremonies.
In most situations, the salute is made with the palm face out, the thumb holding down the little finger, and with the fingertips on the brow of the head.

In his book, Scouting for Boys, Robert Baden-Powell chose the three-finger salute for Scouts to represent the three aspects of the Scout Promise:

1. Honour God and the King
2. Help Others
3. Obey the Scout Law

The salute is rendered in the American style with the palm in and is only used to salute the flag of the United States.


norman-rockwell-boy-scout-pledge-pencilThe Scout Sign is performed with the upper arm parallel to the ground and the forearm vertical, forming a right angle at the elbow. The Scout Sign is used when reciting the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
It is also used to gain the attention of the group.