Scout Neckerchief


The last item of clothing when getting dressed for the meeting is the neckerchief. The traditional neckerchief was a square that was folded in to 3 sides, just like the three parts of the Scout Oath

The first and longest sentence “On my honor, I’ll do my best. To do my duty to God” represented by the first and longest side is to remind you of your long standing duty to God. This whole side is hidden from view, just as your faith is deep inside you. But without that faith, there is no strength for the rest. “and my country and to obey the Scout Law

The next side “To help other people at all times….” This shorter side is to remind you of your duty to help others. Remember it is some of this duty that shows to others, just like part of this side of your neckerchief shows. So do your duty to others well, so that people might see the good work you do in the name of Scouting.

The last side, “To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.” This last side is your duty to yourself. This shows to others as well. They will know that by seeing your uniform, you are a young man who is physically fit. Has a strong moral foundation and who is not apt to fall into the temptations of drugs and alcohol or other bad behavior.

When folding the Neckerchief recite the Scout Law

Trustworthy, Loyal,  (fold), Helpful, Friendly,  (fold), Courteous, Kind, (fold), Obedient, Cheerful, (fold), Thrifty, Brave, (fold), Clean, Reverent (fold),