
  •  What are the requirements to join the OA?

To join the OA a Scout must:

  1. Be a registered member of the Boy Scouts of America.
  2. Have experienced 15 days and nights of camping during the two-year period prior to the election.  The 15 days and nights must include one, but no more than one, long-term camp consisting of six consecutive days and five nights of resident camping.  The balance of the camping must be overnight, weekend, or other short-term camps.
  3. Youth must be under the age of 21, hold the BSA First Class rank or higher, and following approval by the Scoutmaster, be elected by the youth members of their troop. Adults (age 21 or older) who are registered in the BSA and meet the camping requirements may be selected following nomination to the lodge adult selection committee.

  • What are the different Sashes and how can I earn them?

The Red Arrow Sash is presented to the Scouts after the induction ceremony, called the Ordeal, this is the first step toward full membership in the Order. During the experience, candidates maintain silence, receive small amounts of food, work on camp improvement projects, and sleep apart from other campers. The entire experience is designed to teach significant values.  All candidates for membership must complete the Ordeal.

The Red Arrow Sash with two bars is the Brotherhood Sash. This is earned after 10 months of service as an Ordeal member and fulfilling certain requirements, a member may take part in the Brotherhood ceremony, which places further emphasis on the ideals of Scouting and the Order. Completion of this ceremony signifies full membership in the Order.

The Brotherhood Sash with the red diamond this is Vigil Honor. It is awarded to the Scout after two years of exceptional service as a Brotherhood member, and with the approval of the national Order of the Arrow committee, a Scout be recognized with the Vigil Honor for their distinguished contributions to their lodge, the Order of the Arrow, Scouting, or their Scout camp.
This honor is bestowed by special selection and is limited to one person for every 50 members registered with the lodge each year.

  • I see Scouts wearing cool pocket flaps, can I wear one?

Yes, and No. Yes if you are an OA member, but it can only be one from your Lodge. No, this is only an honor bestowed to OA members.

It is recommended that you do not use the one that was given to you during your ordeal. This is once in a Life time flap, you will not earn it again. Keep it safe, and get another Lodge Flap.

  • What is an OA Lodge?

The OA lodge helps the local council provide a quality Scouting program through recognition of Scouting spirit and performance, youth leadership development, adventurous programming, financial support, and enhanced membership tenure. There is only one Lodge per Council, and our Lodge is the Aal-Pa-Tah Lodge 237, the name originates from the Seminole language, meaning “Alligator”. Our Lodge was established in 1942. Lodgers are broken down into chapters, the Aal-Pa-Tah has six Chapters and our Chapter is the Lowaneu Mawat meaning the “Northern Ones”.


  • Where can I find more information about the OA?

The following links can provide you with additional information and resources about the Order of the Arrow:

National Order of the Arrow website .

OA Southern Region website.

OA Jump-Start website.

OA High Adventure website.

OA Trading Post website.

OA Aal-Pa-Tah Lodge website.