
  • I am new to the area, can I join your Troop?

Yes. Our troop welcomes everyone. As a matter of fact we have Scouts that have join our troop that come form far away to participate in our troop, and we welcome their contribution.

  • What can a Scoutmaster do if there is a Scout in his/her unit that is performing poorly in a position of responsibility or doesn’t show up at all?

In a decision recently handed down by National on an appeal, several key issues were considered and precedents were set. The following is quoted directly from that decision: “Serving in a position of leadership means that if they are elected or appointed to a position, such as Patrol Leader, and serve in that position for the required time, they have satisfactorily completed that requirement.” The conclusion is that time in position fulfills the requirement.

The decision also said, “The issue of whether their service is satisfactory is resolved at the local board of review for that rank. Therefore, a boy who was in the position of Scribe for six months from Life to Eagle had fulfilled that requirement. That does not necessarily mean that he will pass his board of review, because if his service was not satisfactory, he could be turned down at the board of review.”

The National Advancement Committee offers the following advice for Scoutmasters. Each time a Scout is elected or appointed to a position of responsibility, he MUST be given his job description and responsibilities. If you have a Scout in a position and he isn’t doing his job, he needs to be counseled and removed if necessary. At some point down the road, he may be ready to try that position again or another one. Remember, if he served in the position for two months that is two months fulfilled towards completing the requirement. Also, if a Scoutmaster removes a Scout from a position of responsibility, he/she must notify the Scout and putting it in writing is preferable, though not required.

  • Do I really need to take the Youth Protection Training?

Yes, and Yes. If you are in any way involved with our Scouts and troop, the answer is… YES.

  • What is the Troop policy regarding knives?

Sheath knives are not prohibited by the BSA, but they may be regulated by state or local ordinances and/or by camp “rules.” However, in Troop 567 Sheath knives are not permitted. Lock-blade and pocket-knives are permitted, but the blade may not exceed 4 inches. Scouts carrying pocket-knives must have their Totin’ Chip card in their possession as prescribed by the BSA training requirements. If the Totin’ Chip is not on the Scout’s person, the knife will be confiscated and returned at the end of the activity. We recommend that the right tool for the job be used (cutting branches or ropes). We do not encourage wearing them at the waist as injury could occur during falls. Please read “Code of Conduct” and “Putting on the Green Loops” for more details.


  • What is the Troop policy regarding Camping?

Our policies regarding camping are described in our “Putting on the Green Loops” and “Code of Conduct”. Here we cover most everything from what is allowed to be brought to a camping trip, to what is expected of the Scouts during such an outing. No Electronics, No Sugary drinks (ie Coke, Pepsi, etc…), No Family Size tents, etc… If you have questions about what is allowed, and they are not cover on “Putting on the Green Loops” and “Code of Conduct” contact your Scoutmaster.